April 9, 2011

PSWL Commissioner Tells Us What's Up

Among my numerous duties I volunteer for with the National Wiffleball League Association is finding new leagues and seeing if they've got the goods and meet the criteria to be considered for the NWLA. It's probably the most laborious task involved with my position aside from researching for writing columns. I've written a couple of articles bearing the fruits of such labor involving finding new leagues (America's Most Promising Non-NWLA Leagues & Fresh New Leagues).The biggest problem with scouting new talent is establishing contact. I've attempted numerous times to contact a league called Griffle Ball but to no avail. Fortunately for some leagues though they answer the call, Parson's Summer Wiffleball League is one of those leagues. In fact, of any new league I've contacted they were the quickest to respond. Their zeal for the game is unmatched for a league of their age - which is very young. But anyway...this little video catches you up to speed on the what's going on with their league. Is it awkward? Yeah. Is there a little repetition because of it's candid and improvisational nature? You bet! Is there weird non-wiffleball related rambling? What video update would be complete with out that? However awkward you may find this video there's some good stuff. I'll give you the skinny though. First and foremost he mentions that he recently got a haircut. Always an important update for the world to know. Next he announces team rosters and that the draft went well. After that he talks about them being taken into the NWLA. There's an added bonus for me because I got a small shout out while he was on the topic (always nice, I guess). That's pretty much it. Oh, I forgot...he's incredibly talented when it comes to pointing to where links and captions will be on the screen. It's like MAGIC! Hope this league does well this year. I'm looking forward to their season starting...which will be in about 2 weeks.


  1. "Yah that's right, we're coming for you" LMAO!

  2. "First off, I got a hair cut. That's not important." LOL
