April 21, 2011

Plot Thickens With Safety Risks Involving Wiffleball, etc.

As I've mentioned before, I prowl the web for information that we all might enjoy as lovers of the sport we call wiffleball. Is it time consuming? You bet. Why do I do it? I don't know. You know those losers who have entire channels on Youtube that consist solely of them whining about pointless subjects that no one could possibly care about. When people began hearing about the NY Health Department wanting to ban sports like Wiffle Ball in summer camps people were either outraged or apathetic. Among the outraged were some of those losers whose useless chatter pollute the Internet. This guy, "Jonald Reagan", is nothing short of a complete nutcase. Seriously. Aside from the fact that he's a Reaganite (nothing wrong with that if you're into that sort of thing) this guy is obviously not of sound mind (check out his other videos if you don't believe me). He yells like a professional wrestler the whole time. It's insane. The best part of the whole video is when he says a wiffleball "has 3 holes at the top of it." Really, Jonald? Relying on a profile picture of a wiffleball is fairly irresponsible dude. This guy obviously doesn't know enough about wiffleball to be this pissed. It's hard to find his anger justifiable considering he doesn't even have an official yellow bat as a visual aid in the video and he whipped out one of those God-awful softball-sized "wiffle" balls with the circular holes throughout.

Glad I was officially the first person to watch this video...the sensation is much like being the first person to step in dog sh*t and now I get to wipe my shoe in the grass (which never works) as I warn others "hey, there's dog sh*t right there."

In case you're wondering what the Mullany's are thinking of the assault from the NY State Health Department they have been interviewed. Check it out.

In other news, a recent article has been posted on the Kalamazoo Wiffleball League's website. Columnist, Travis Branch, writes about the 10 things he misses most about the recently deceased Jacques Rimmier.