March 24, 2011

KWL's Brian Meyers with his Wiffle Bat Review!

This could be the new bestest Wiffle Bat review ever ever ever ever ever [echo].


  1. Can we get a couple of additional labels? "No Mumbling" and "Save Grandma's Soda"?


  2. The other one is like 8 seconds longer, plus he'll give me a cookie if I vote for him. I vote for the awsome kid.

  3. Ryan, I never liked you anyways. You cut me deep!

  4. Ryan's probably a big fan of mumbling. You should have just mumbled for 9 seconds after you'd said all you wanted to say. That way your video would have had mumbling AND it would have been longer. 2 birds...

    Nonetheless I feel this video is phenomenal.

  5. Best quoted response to this video from one of our players 10yro kid:

    Mikey said: That guy's dumb.. He doesn't even know what a wiffleball bat is for.. I said: Oh that was just Brian being silly.. He said: OH! You should have said that!

  6. Haha! My reaction when I saw this on Brian's facebook was along the lines of, "Awesome spoof! ... But it could use more mumbling." Never understand the mumbles.
