March 3, 2011

KWL Industirals Hit Factory...nice.

This video has surfaced on the new Kalamazoo Wiffleball League Youtube Channel. There are two reasons to be excited about this. That looks like a great place to practice and it hasn't just been the Industirals, Andy Ross has made a pitching appearance there recently. Also the KWL is getting their feet wet in the realm of video. The league has been notorious for plenty of great photographs but you know how the kids are these days...moving pictures are all the rage. Hopefully the KWL will stick with videos for 2011. They're such an interesting and quirky league that the only way to find them more hilarious or fascinating is through video media. Their commissioner recently bought two Flip UltraHD camcorders. So with an investment like that I think it's safe to say that we will most definitely be seeing the KWL moving and in High Definition. It's yet another reason to be excited about wiffleball for the year 2011.


  1. We have 4 Flips available, so our goal is to just put up random shorter clips. If we can avoid doing much editing, it should be easy to keep it updated.

    Our indoor spring training times have been set, stay tuned for more clips!

  2. Oh it's 4 now? Incredible. And yeah you don't want to get involved in a lot of editing. It really cuts into personal time. The .mp4 format that Flip has can be interesting to deal with depending on what program you use. Which editing software do you use?

  3. Once upon a time I used Windows Movie maker. Ideally, I will just the flip software. We have to stick to what we are good at, Articles!

  4. The thing is that WMM won't edit .mp4 so the ease of editing is eliminated. That is unless you have Windows 7. I've heard tale that .mp4 can be edited just fine but it's Windows - I'll believe it when I see it. I've thoroughly enjoyed your recent articles. Can't wait until more stuff is going on to write about.
