March 8, 2011

Don't Call It A Comeback...

You'd better be ready to see the youngest league in the country return this summer. MLW - Schultz Field is anxiously awaiting for the weather to improve so they can get the 2011 season started. I know what you're thinking. "Dude, these kids are like 8 years old...and they only have 2 teams." Yeah, you're right -- but what's your point? They are all related in some way, siblings and cousins, which is kind of eh... But they play really well. They actually have a strike-zone. I know, I's a playskool drawing board or something but at least it's something (most leagues that start out don't even have a zone). These kids aren't even tall enough to ride roller coasters yet so they can't use regulation sized zones. I'm giving them points for trying. They wanted to expand to 4 teams this year but it's not looking like that's going to happen. Despite all of the aforementioned information about them they're still incredible. They make some great plays (watch their Top 10 Plays Video if you don't believe me) and at that age they should be good. You witness the zenith of childhood hand-eye coordination when you watch their videos. Say what you want about these kids but I think they'll only get better in time. Who knows what they'll be doing when their voices start cracking? Hopefully expanding.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like the diving catch from the pitcher. That's a pretty rad play. Watch their top 10 plays video if you really want to see them at their best.

  3. My favorite part is the bigger ginger kid always throwing his bat in disgust!

  4. I know, right? Right into the backstop too. How much do you want to bet he's probably knocked it over once or twice? I bet it's happened.

  5. What is it with Angry Gingers...shhesssh.

    In one of the videos he almost hits the pitcher with the bat!

  6. I wonder why he didn't make it into the Team Ginger article that was posted about a month ago...

  7. hey man its mlw i saw your blog on us. and just to let everyone know were not all related and were adding players this year and new features to our field. and thanks for saying we had nice plays

  8. Oh I stand corrected then. I'm glad you all are expanding a little bit. Can't wait to see what 2011 holds for your league. Thanks for the update.
