March 26, 2011

Extreme Wiffleball!

I spend a lot of time scouring the web (Youtube, in particular) looking for fresh new footage and information for you guys. What can I say? I care. Anyway...occasionally I'll stumble upon a rare honor and this time I'm literally the first one to watch this particular video. Having said that, I'm pretty sure I'll be one of the only people to watch this video. It's from a vlogger (that's a video blog for all you non-tech savvy people out there) named tiffinaynay and wow it's pretty terrible. I almost forgot how weird girls (and their taste in friends) were when I was a teenager. I like how she says that $2.25 is a little expensive for a plastic bat. Hilarious! So naive - everyone knows that petroleum (an ever-costly commodity) is used in making plastic...well almost everyone I guess. There's some pretty funny quotes to walk away from with this video and for that it might just be worth your time. It's only 2 minutes of your life. Come on and roll the dice. Live a little.


  1. This guy is higher on the Perv-Curve then a double hand wave!

  2. He reminds me of a kid that I knew my first year of summer camp. Needless to say he got beat up a lot.
