June 25, 2011

Slim Pickings

I'm not going to lie. Today was slim pickings when it came to finding something for a post. There are days when all wiffle videos uploaded on a given day are just garbage. You know the videos I'm talking about...some kid throwing a ball at the camera and not even having the decency to edit the parts out where he walks to go get the friggin' ball. It's mind-numbing. Sometimes it really is hard to find a decent new wiffleball video and today was no exception. Instead of showing a video I think you should watch I'm going to show you a video that really makes me want to kill myself. Ever since winter these two kids have been making extremely boring videos and one of them had the nerve to make a negative comment on one of my league's videos. Bitch please!
Who wants to watch two goofy looking preteens talk in a monotone fashion about games when they don't even have no highlights? The goofy hair cuts, the wiener lips, and those vests... Cripes! I might have to go to the optometrist now! I just don't understand it. The SportsCenter parodies have been done over and over again and they're never impressive. Do something unique and maybe you'll get some points from me but in the mean time just stop. Please. Unless you are going to actually have some GAME FOOTAGE stop making these videos. One last cut: you named you league Backyard Wiffleball League. How unique! It's not like there are 15 of those around the country already. Okay, I'm done. Have a wonderful evening and hopefully there will be some interesting videos tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Haha I started watching thinking it was going to be tolerable until I noticed they had a box-score made in MS Paint as their highlights and the meat of their video. Seven minutes long....pass
