June 13, 2011

GSWL NY Region (Fast Pitch) Week 1

Golden Stick is in full swing now and it's going to be hard to look for recently uploaded videos without seeing several GSWL videos, and that's okay. The NY Fast Pitch Region was kind enough to upload this video and displayed just how impossible it is to hit off pitchers most of the time. But when batters do come around with that big bat the ball normally sails...but it's all about probability, odds are you're going to swing and miss. This type of pitching can challenge the "fag bat" school of thought.


  1. Definitely nasty stuff. It'd just be kicking yourself in the nuts to try to bat with the yellows. [Still, rather they'd lose the scuffing and go with yellows. - Just my dumb opinion, not trying to start a fight]

    Love that they showed the "play fight" in the beginning; shows that GSWL guys aren't "all douche all the time," as they're usually made out to be.

  2. LOL thanks guys. Our conception to being "douchebags" I wasnt really sure existed until I found you guys. I guess some, definitely not all are like that. These guys are paying top dollar for top prizes and you need to assume (as with all things in sports) that stuff will get heated.

    The majority of the time it's hardcore wifflers playing the game they love. Again thanks for the good words, and I'm glad we are finally on your site in a positive light.

  3. @ GSWL_NY... No problem. I've noticed that the GSWL videos (particularly PA and NY) are becoming a little more light-hearted and not so testosterone-infused as some GSWL videos have been in the past. Making wiffleball look tough just doesn't work, haha. But you guys look like you're having a good time out there. I used to reserve nothing but disdain for Golden Stick but my opinion has mellowed and I appreciate the outlet that organization provides for the sport's more competitive players. Best of luck for your season.
