May 26, 2011

Out With The Old & In With The New

For those of you who might be into the whole Wiffle Reviews might want to check into a new dude who's rating wiffle videos, Wiffle Critic. Wiffle Reviews has not had an update in 2 months and maybe that guy's done which has made enough room for a new dude to review videos. I, myself, find this practice boring but some people are into it and I'm here to point people in the right direction for things pertaining to wiffleball so, for you, I watch these horrible videos with crappy music in the background.


  1. I don't really understand these videos at all.

  2. I don't either but people dug the WiffleReviews thing too. It mystifies me.

  3. Now see...personally, with a site like this, I initially thought that you WERE (or at least affiliated with) the Wiffle Reviews people...but good thing you cleared that up..

    PS: As for the Wiffle Critics crap...I'd be willing to put good money to bet that it's probably overseen by the same people who are also running Wiffle Reviews...

  4. No I'm not affiliated with WiffleReviews or Wiffle Critic. I write for the National Wiffleball League association and this blog.
