February 14, 2011

Wifflebat Fight Club...seriously?

Yes you read right. G4's Attack of the Show has managed to take polluting the sport of wiffleball to a whole new level.
The first rule of Wifflebat Fight Club is that it's okay to televise Wifflebat Fight Club events.
The second rule of Wifflebat Fight Club is that you do not use actual Wiffle Bats (yellow bats).
The third rule of Wifflebat Fight Club is that although the bats we use couldn't possibly hurt we can still be pussies and wear protective head gear.
Why is this happening? I mean they're not even actually using the official Wiffle Ball bat. If you used the real bat that would probably sting quite a bit. It's thicker plastic and the hollow center isn't as big, thus less resistance when it hits the ball...or human flesh. That's why they work so well on pinatas. But these gigantic bats they use render the name of the club useless. Those big red bats are despised in purist Wiffleball counter-culture. They're called everything from "fag bats" to "Captain Caveman bats." Such a mockery of a good movie and a phenomenal book. Somewhere in Portland, Oregon Chuck Palahniuk is vomiting after watching this video. What's sad is that since Attack of the Show has such a following of gamers that this travesty of an activity is already spreading. 
Then there's this video. Stick with this one, it's worth it in the end. It appears that they had a choreographed nerdy Star Wars reenactment in mind but things went horribly wrong when rehearsal turned to improvisation. You'll see what I mean near the end of the video below.


  1. And I thought creating a Wiffleball league was odd...

  2. For every great creation comes the possibility of a horrible version of that creation to come about later. This is a prime example.
