February 12, 2011

It's time for some basic arithmetic...

5 adult males bored in the woods + a water balloon launcher + 1 plastic bat + a wiffleball + a copious amount of alcohol (I'm assuming, why else would you do this?) = 40 seconds of entertainment. Yes in less time that it takes to warm up your frozen pizza in the microwave you can watch this video and be left with MANY questions such as:
- Who came up with the idea for the water balloon launcher to come into the mix?
- There are people that are still naming their kids Chet...seriously? (mentioned in first part of video, "Wait, Chet, do another huge one...")
- Have you ever in your life heard men laugh like this? It sounded like a bunch of women at a baby shower.
- Having said that, is this what men do when their wives are at baby showers?
- There are countless questions you could ask yourself, post yours!


  1. I hear that's how hard TO throws! Luckily, they didn't go back into time!

  2. Yeah that could be a pretty sweet beginning to a trippy wiffleball time traveling movie. I am not sure how fast the ball went. I'm sure T.O. throws much faster though ;)

  3. Haha you guys are funny. He really doesnt have an ego. He does throw hard but there are people who throw harder
