September 1, 2011

Nerf Swerve Bat Review

If you're shopping for bats lately and don't have a lot of cash - listen up, especially if you're a kid. These video reviews give you the skinny on the Nerf Swerve Bat. Also you can see reviews on Amazon, which also complain about the bat cracking.


  1. I trust all Stay at home dads for my product reviews!

  2. As one of the SAHDs responsible for, I'd like to thank Wiffler's Digest and Brian for repping our stuff. We'd always love to hear how we can be an asset to the wiffle community, so if you've got any suggestions, we're all ears. Happy wiffling.

  3. Suggestions for reviews:

    - Blitz Ball and Blitz Ball bat
    - Sandlot Stik
    - Ken Griffey Jr. Bat
    - Big Fat Orange Bat...I guess that would be purely for my amusement.

  4. do u now where u can buy them now because they r now discontinued.
