December 12, 2011

Dedication - do you have it?

As someone who has played in the snow before, I doubt these kids ever do it again...but if they do they have a considerable amount of dedication. Snowy conditions simply aren't a productive atmosphere for wiffleball. The ball and bat, and everything else, gets wet. Freezing temperatures cause the joints to become stiff, and put players at greater risk for developing pneumonia or hypothermia. The costs outweigh the benefits but if you and your friends are careless enough to play some wiffleball in the snow this winter, be sure to send us a copy of the url of the video to us at


  1. Color us careless. One of our new teams, Whiteford WA, wants to host a 'Winter Classic' in January - a day of slow-pitch, fun-for-all semi-competition. We'll try to find a dry-ish spot to keep a camera.

  2. Record that, for sure. I'd love to see it.

  3. Whiteford went ahead and did this without us a few weeks ago (I just learned about it this weekend*). They have a couple videos up on their youtube account:

    * Suffice to say... I'm never happy when teams put themselves before the league (especially when they use a former league name for their team), but I'll still promote the vids since you were interested in seeing them.

  4. Yeah I saw those about a week ago but didn't see the link between them and WSEM. I was turned off by it when I saw that it wasn't a wiffleball they used. It's some sort of black ball, I don't know what it is.
